Well, here we go again. Slight change of pace this time as this isn't some deep thought rhyme scheme. More like a group of thoughts that instead of just writing them as they come, me and my perfectionist-self will edit, adjust and control the flow of thought like a Republican and a woman's vagina! BURN!!! (See why I don't do comedy?) Anyway, this is just the jumping off point for me to get back into my writings that I've neglected for far too long. Why? Because it's way to personal and my emotions drive my hand with my heart guiding the pen... err, keyboard? Whatever. Point made. So, here is a shot for my conscious-self to man the helm and steer for a bit. Not a lot on today's post, just an intro into whatever this will be, which, (I love commas!) will
be a hopefully be a slightly messy cohesive group of feels and stuffs!
That's that, for that, for now.
(This shit is gonna get ugly!)