Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Beast

The beast can be controlled
Or so I was told.
“A lie from the old, this story they told.”
Deep from within, this story I do begin,
Of the Beast’s want to be free,
And his shadow that I wished to flee.

My memory fails as to the beginning of this tale,
But the feeling remains in my soul all the same.
A tug and a grasp as anger and peace passed;
But my life as a babe allowed these emotions to fade.
As I grew they stayed longer, this hold to my being;
The attempt to pull away soon became fleeting.
“I try and I try, yet this room remains red!”
A new hunger did grow; the strength of my heart it fed.

It, too, was a child, at least for a time;
Birthed of my soul’s dirt, filth, and grime.
His heart beat off, syncopated with mine;
A rhythmic, creative, cadence composed of no time.
Not me, but a shadow, a want from my mind;
Honesty and caring within him I would find.

At least ‘twas the thought, for then I was naïve.
“Tis not in me to lie or deceive.”

His words I believed, for there were no others heard,
To think such destruction could be reaped from his lying dirge.

His hand, it had help, in my shaping and form;
Chaos and contempt, in my life were a norm.
No peace, save my own, was given at a time;
No rest or assurance, its presence was a lie.
So, upon his shoulder I'd lay my aching head;
And within my heart, his darkness found a bed.
Within the nights we would sleep, held together tight;
Entwined to one another, eyes closed to the shallow light.

Soon, as I lived, two became one;
He became I and I became his son.
As a father he spoke, and avid I would listen;
Quiet to myself wondered of my life's mission.
Feeling ever alone, yet never seeking another;
Feeling forever cold, yet tossing away all cover.

Harsh, I know it sounds, to ears not mine,
But, an understanding, a Peace, are what I came to find.

Strength! For I am strong, much stronger than ever;
Finding my weakness has become a hopeless endeavor.
Nothing! stops me, save my own hand;
Thinking other proves false, the stupidity of a damned man.
Such power! supplied limitless from within;
No horizon to be seen, for I am the wind.

Or so I thought,
For I, 
Not he, 
Am nothing but a soul;
And was fooled to believing that this path would lead me whole.

As I aged I understood, my gaze became clearer;
My hatred for those other, became my reflection in the mirror.
My face, distorted, but only to my eyes;
The darkness became blue, just not in my skies.
No longer in this void can I walk and not stumble;
The fire inside made me all but humble.

Fear! No control! What is this touch?
Away! Run! To the Beast I shall clutch!


We are the same, mostly but not complete;
I still own this essence, it's for my mind that we now compete.
Our strength is matched one to one;
But his heart now pumps, and it wants me undone.
For a time I wondered why he came;
Now I understand, he wanted my name.
He wanted a place, to live and to breath;
Now that I need help, he wants me to leave.
He wants this place, that my whole calls home;
He wants me away so that this world he may roam.


Trapped are we both, neither willing to give;
Alone with each other, both for me to live.
A new battle begins, attrition being its name;
Poison he tries to feed me, he knows how to play this game.
And should I falter, should my stance give way;
I pray for the wake, those that walk in the Beast's way.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


This feeling so new, I'm scared; I don't know.  Many questions, no guidance; my face I won't show.  Discomfort, unknown, I retreat; I walk away.  I want, I NEED; to speak words that I dare not say.  What is this? Why now?  When comes my time?  More questions for every one; less answers, there are none.  Silence, it eludes me, but what I hear is not a sound.  This noise that calls from nothing, I hear it ever so loud.  What I need I ask not much, just a whisper through the door.  So, I shall lay hear, waiting, unmoving, forever-more.

Phoenix Rise

Break the dam and let loose this river strong; release the rapids, hold no longer their rage. Set ablaze this night, flames burn to the last ash; let nothing stand from the fiery inferno. Winds blow it all away, let it be brought clean from nothing; what once stood firm shall yet again rise.

Welcome Night

Come night, save the sun, and put this day to rest; heaven sent mercy through this blessed test.  Dark though this time, ne'er brighter is this season; unseen is this future of hope thoughts and reason.  Begone thoughts impure, awake with the day serenity; come forth with cheer this new day sent to me.

All in a Moment

Forever says never, to the end of this day; stay with me now, let us watch the trees sway. Tomorrow says hello, as today begins to fade; no more work to be done, only games to be played. Now stands strong, steeled, hardned, and gracious for a chance; left foot, right foot, we begin the days dance.

Darkest Embrace

And let this night end as the day did begin; let dark turn to light with this peaceful eve in sight. Let there be warmth in the cold, a crisp breeze, the chill of life; a wind meant only to feel, to relax the mind, to release the souls will. Allow the dark take hold, embrace the nothing and become one; let ease fall to your eyes, let peace be your guide to the sun rise

Truthful Lie

Left here in nothing, this black empty space, welcome warmth of the cold from these shards that I hold. Shattered pieces of something, of what, I can not remember, a scent strong but fading, but the bitter I remember. What once was isn't now, lost to forever, I follow this cloud, the storm that I weather. A lie to myself, that I won't be here again. The truth of today, my life you shall no longer be in. MLM


From within I see all that was me/ now, without, excess worries and doubt/ Detached from the ground/ I am no longer bound/ free from the old/ a new story to be told/ Sitting, listening, waiting with wonder/ beneath this oak my mind aches with hunger/ "How, where, and why!," with a smile my heart does cry/ As my love of freedom grows, my spirits patience dies/ Never before with one breath, have I tasted freedom so strong/ not a watch in this world could tell how I've waited so long/ So bright are these hues/ these shades of life/ erased are the days of worries and strife/ Not erased/ only dull/ for the point is now moot and gray/ blurred by the orange-red sun of this new mornings day/ Breathe in deep and exhale the release/ repeat as the body flows with peace/ Thoughts not of the past or future or how/ only focus on this moment/here and now. MLM

Hope Unknown

Who? You? Me? Us. Why? A lie? Unknown. Trust? Remember. Forget. Alone. Regret. Forgive. Savor. Endure. Forever. Peace. Resist. Stoic in this./ Awake to forsake. Collect to give in. Racing again. Stumble at the end. Recover and regain. No strength without pain. Kneel before I stand. Together hand in hand. MLM


I stand here tall/summoning strength from within/knowing that today my life beings again./I shall muster my strength/every ounce that my being has/ to hold strong my outward hand/as I await your grasp./To pull me, to hold me/to warm this stoic cold./To shake, to bend/ but never in your heart fold./Where ever, when ever/I have no date known/but with hope I stand/waiting/yet not alone. MLM

Life, Not Finality

Of all the plans that I've made and actions that I'll choose, I'll never understand why my heart chose you. It was not me, of this I am sure. The disease to myself when I needed but a cure. An unknown as a constant adding to myself's division. The harshest of conductors setting me a flame with your friction. No anger, only questions; no answers, only lessons. Love would be damned were it not but a word. The curses I would sceam; to the Devil's ears they'd be heard. Screams that would be for not, for such energy be not wasted, because the bitterness you left was never sweeter tasted. Mortality and strength in this vunerable heart. And I give only thanks to you for this play and your part. I am better than before, maybe a little worse. You are as you'll be, now, without me.