Thursday, November 15, 2012

Night Whisper 16

Perched upon high, I see this vast expand,
A touch to the horizon made with out-stretched hand.
Not apparent of its distance, I move...
not enough...
not enough...
And fall to the tides, life never more fair.
Nothing left but the end, for the waves to wash me under;
To sleep and dream and dwell in peaceful slumber.

Night Whisper 15

'Twas the night that shown me towards my selfs abyss; salvation abandoned, I had no part in this. Denial lay the foundation, brick and mortar; I merely sought sanctuary, not prides torture. Penance, karma,  but words that lack a master; I shall take the Devils hand, only to find Hell faster.

Night Whisper 14

I embrace the night to become my dream; solace layed still in the peaceful dark 'tween. Virgil as my guide through this non-mortal realm; perseverance at my right so that none shall overwhelm.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My World to Wonder

I work and I think,
I act and I wonder.
I speak and I love,
I hate and I'm silent.
I move and I try...

I stop.

I give in.

I succeed as I heed.
I move no more forward
than I'm prepared to reverse course.

I'm timid and rigid.
I flex not for fear of breaking.
I am hesitant to thoughts not complacent.

I am afraid, not for what I don't know,
but, for what I understand.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One More Round

I found my sorrows at the bottom of a bottle,
and drank them slowly and thanked them wholly.
I wondered not why they tried to drown,
once my parched lips were the home they found.
As it flowed, a debt I owed, to the misery that once fled
A past repeated, a drink depleted, no memory of what they said.